Advanced Solution of Colloidal Silver
is an amazing natural alternative to antibiotics.
It has been well documented
as the best broad spectrum anti bacteria,
viruses, or fungal organisms. This includes conditions from common colds and flu
to cholera.
It has been proven
effective against over 650 different infectious diseases.
Use of Colloidal silver goes
back to thousands of years. In Roman Empire they use to keep water in silver
wares and prescribe it to sick people.
Traditional Herbalists use
it for Cancer, TB, Arthritis, Ulcer,
Yappy flue , And More
(We do
not these claims and as far as we know it is not registered in any country as
Medi*ine. For 50 years the FDA allowed Colloidal Silver to be used, but recently under pressure from pharmaceutical
companies categorized it as a schedule Medi*ine.)
Best of all, resistant
strains of bacteria and fungi do not develop as they can with conventional
antibiotics. Spirit of Silver is one of the safest, most effective all around
germ fighters available.
Medi*al tests indicate no known adverse effects and there has never
been a recorded case of drug interaction with any other medication. No allergic
reaction has ever been recorded. Colloidal Silver is also extremely effective in
the topical treatment of burns, abrasions or any skin irritation or problem.
Super-strain pathogens
have developed a resistance to virtually every antibiotic developed thus far. A
potential catastrophe resulting from super-strain pathogens is waiting on the
Recent scientific research indicates that pure silver is essential to life.
The human body contains .001 microns of silver and researchers note that illness
occurs more frequently when the level of silver drops below this point. Silver,
in a microscopic colloidal solution of 10 parts per million (.001 microns), is
an effective, all-natural antibiotic mineral.
Unlike antibiotics, Colloidal Silver can be taken indefinitely without fear
of microorganisms developing a tolerance to it. Microorganisms depend on
specific enzymes to breathe. Minuscule colloidal silver ions disable these
enzymes, cutting the air supply to the microorganisms with cytopathogenic
results. Since the microorganisms are suffocated rather than poisoned, resistant
strains fail to develop.
Our colloid of silver is available in its purest form at 12 to
17 PPM ( parts per million concentration).
We suggest the users take some
yogurt with their meals to replace useful bacteria's of digestion system.
If you want the best and long lasting result please add
Liver and colon cleansing to your order.
Although we are providing a
lots of free information we have to keep some information back. The reason is
that we have to make a living and to keep the site active.
Please note this web site is not much active at present and is more
informative and reflect opinions in natural treatments.
By law only Medi*al doctors are allowed to diagnose and do treatment. Also
registered pharmaceutical Medi*ines recommended by Medi*al doctors must be used.
Please do not contact us if you have not already tried orthodox way of
treatment. Do not discontinue your medication.
We may suggest special natural diet or complementary supplements that we
suggest you check with your Medi*al doctor before use.
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