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Detox Program
South Africa, Pretoria mail order to
Cape Town and more
This is for your general info: Dr Richard Schulze's
Famous Herbal Formula
Why detox?
Natural weight loss, Increase energy level,
get rid of water retention, clear blocked sinuses, Restore kidney and
liver function, Boost your immune system, clear head, fell more relaxed,
Less stress, improve complexion, No cellulite, Improve your circulation,
Slow down aging process, Improve fertility, Craving, gas or bloating,
Candida, teeth grinding, insomnia, tiredness, heartburn, allergies,
constipation, headaches, migraines, arthritis, depression, flu, eczema,
Colon cleansing uses natural
health & herbs to help your body to heal health problems which are often
related to a colon which is not functioning as nature intended.
All right. It's a dirty subject. But what if no one talks about it? More
people have problems with their colon than most people realise.
More and more people are suffering from health problems, including pain,
constipation and lack of energy which can be related to a dirty bowel.
problems do not happen by accident. Many of these problems are caused partly
or largely by eating and drinking foods and drinks which are not what nature
intended we eat and drink.
Wild animals who are living as nature intended do not generally get these
problems. You owe it to yourself to LEARN about how you can prevent and
even heal these health problems and diseases.
There is no ``one way", no ``magic bullet. But there are ways that work.
The best methods include:
Improvements in nutrition (what we eat AND drink)
These are the very things that your doctor won't tell you about – because
they never learned them. The average doctor learns around 4-20 hours of
nutrition during a FIVE YEAR degree. Their job is to make money by selling
drugs and operations. YOUR job is to look after your health and wellbeing.
For example, no one makes any money telling you to drink more water, which
is essential for a healthy colon.
In addition to learning about nutrition, many people have had great results
from doing different cleanses, of the colon, kidney and liver &
gall bladder.
The MOST important cleanse to do is colon cleansing, because if you have
a dirty colon with impacted fecal matter, this will create extra toxins
which the other organs then have to continually detox.
Human exposure to toxic chemicals has dramatically
increased in the last century. Millions of compounds have been formulated and
some 50,000 are now in commercial use.
The environmental persistence of many of these
compounds is cause for concern. In addition, many of these synthetic compounds
accumulate in biological organisms ("bioaccumulation"), storing in bone, fat,
or another compartment of the body. |
The pioneer of modern day
Colon Therapy is Dr Norman Walker who died peacefully at the age of 116.
According to Dr Jensen who
assisted more than 350 000 patients in his 60 year long practice, most Colon
Cancers, Colostomy's, Colon Disorders, Kidney Diseases, Colitis and Ballooned
Colons can be prevented.
Many illnesses and
diseases are directly related to improper digestion of food and inadequate care
of our bowels. Our bodies come with a complete system of checks and
balances to determine which substances are useful and which are waste.
However, our environment and lifestyles have compromised, and in most cases,
damaged the quality of this system to do an adequate job of protecting us from
illness and disease.
Rather than give up
our livelihood and escape our environment to get on the path of wellness, there
is a practical, safe and affordable way to give back to your body what it needs
for health and vitality.
of some hardened rubber-like putrefied faeces that were eliminated during
an Ultimate 7 Day program of colon therapy.
This could be in anyone of us. Something to think about!!
Our intestinal cleanse
is 24hr program similar to it plus removing of over 200 Gallstones like
green peas that are blocking the liver. |
Step 1 - Intestinal and Liver Cleanser
to eliminate toxins, remnants of
undigested food and fecal matter from the small and large intestines
and removing of over 300 Gallstones without an operation. The
procedure only takes 24 hr.
NOTE: People whose problem is having too many bowel movements, such as some
people with Irritable bowel Syndrome, should omit Step 1 and use just
step 2.
Step 2 - Yeast & smaller Parasite Eliminator
to kill pathogenic
This include use of 10 ml Colloidal silver three times a day 1/2 hour before
meal for a week.
The Package contains Magnesium salt container, 3 page
instruction, 350 ml Spirit of silver and may be another supplement
depending to your case.
cleansing and soothing formula is to be used periodically in conjunction
with Intestinal Step 1. This formula is a strong purifier and
intestinal vacuum. It draws old faecal matter off the walls of your colon
and out of any bowel pockets. It will remove poisons, toxins, parasites,
heavy metals (such as mercury, lead and radioactive metals). This formula
will also remove over 3,000 known drug residues.
mucilaginous properties will soften old hardened faecal matter for easy
removal. This makes it an excellent remedy for inflammation in the
intestines such as IRRITABLE bowel SYNDROME.
patients discovered that this formula also removed COLON POLYPS.
Flax seed Powder |
Contains a natural cleansing and laxative oil |
fruit pectin |
Removes radioactive waste, mercury, lead, heavy metals
100 gm R 65 |
Pharmaceutical grade Bentonite clay |
Removes 35 times its weight in waste |
R45 |
Activated willow charcoal |
Removes over 3,000 known harmful chemicals |
No stock |
Psyllium seed and husk |
Adds needed fiber, reduces inflammation |
No stock |
Slippery elm inner bark |
Removes toxic waste, reduces inflammation |
No stock |
Marshmallow root |
Reduces inflammation |
No stock |
Fennel seed or Peppermint leaf |
Carminative, aids digestion, moves gas
200 gm R 35 |
Make this formula also
using equal parts of each herb. Then increase or decrease each herb
depending on the desired action you want, intensified or weakened.
This formula can be taken for a week, a month or longer. Continue to use
this formula until you are having one bowel movement each day for each meal
you eat. Between two and four bowel movements a day is normal."
(Note: NO ONE should rely on the same herbs all
their life. Remember that old peoples' homes have many people who have used
laxatives all their life and now can NO LONGER have a bowel movement - they
evacuate only by enemas.
Take extra fiber with your breakfast ( psyllium, wheat
germ, oat bran, rice bran).
LOTS OF WATER! At least 8 glasses a day, and more than this while you are on
the cleanse. If you get any cleansing reactions such as a headache, continue
drinking water.
Step 3. -
Healthy Flora
to restore Beneficial bacteria to
the intestinal tract. The best source is Sourer milk or Bulgarian
culture yogurt from your
super market.
Step 4.
- Anti parasite :
Parasites are an ongoing and widespread problem. Some estimate that all
humans are hosts to multiple parasites, only some of which can be detected
in stool samples. Others go so far as to assert that many common diseases
are due to parasites. One thing is clear, many symptoms of dis-ease go away
after killing the parasites in our body. The following combination is
thought to be effective for killing the most common pathogens found in
various parts of our body. We recommend Angle's
Step 4.
- Cellular Cleanser
to support liver and kidneys in removing toxins from the body. The best way
is the fasting for 19 days. This means not to eat and drink for 9 hours a
day for this period . Our herbal digestion tonic also helps.
Step 5
Right diet plenty fibbers This
include use of our product Senna and Aloe Vera powder to be added to your
foods time to time to prevent constipation.
Other recommended herbs:
Garlic, Cayenne Pepper, Fennel,
Ginger, freshly squeezed organic carrot, apple and parsley juice.
LOTS OF WATER! At least 8 glasses a day, and more than this while you are on
the cleanse. If you get any cleansing reactions such as a headache, continue
drinking water.
Dr Schulze created a liquid formula for infant constipation, that has an
improved taste (although some children may still not like it). It is a
liquid formula, based in fig Concentrate with Cascara Sagrada bark, Senna
leaf and pod and the oils of Anise, Clove and Tangerine. You can make it
yourself with figs and water, and just the main herbs.
This formula is for children (and even adults) of any age.
Colon Cleanse step 1 and 2 (as above) without heavy juicing, raw
fruits and vegetables etc. will likely produce results such as 2-3 bowel
movements each day, better energy level, improvements with headaches, female
problems, male problems, and numerous other Benefits, but the colon will
still be largely uncleansed.
herbs will work as a great laxative, but used along with a polluting food
program, the bowel pockets, diverticuli, impacted fecal matter, fungal
imbalances and poor tonal condition of the colon will not be greatly
improved as they should be. Note that many long term users of laxatives end
up with bowels that don't work and have to have constant enemas.
Combine the herbal formulas with the correct diet change and now you will
definitely see colon cleansing occurring!
Do not eat or drink:
( as much as possible)
- Foods containing white
(bread making) flour
- Processed foods such as
pasta or baked goods
- Sugar or food with sugar in
- Significant amounts of meat
- Pork
- Processed meats
Milk (plain, whole milk yogurt made from organically fed cow's milk is
- Peanut butter (this may be
continued after the cleanse)
- Cheeses (some in moderation
after the cleanse is okay)
- Eggs (free range eggs may be
eaten after the cleanse)
- Soy products.
Caffeine (which is in coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas, chuppa-chups).
The problem here is that many people need to take 3-6 weeks to come off
caffine, to prevent healing reactions such as headaches. Do the best you
can for now.
- The following oils:
Canola, cottonseed, hydrogenated oils,
margarine, vegetable oil or any oil that does not say it is
cold-pressed (Use virgin olive oil or cold pressed sesame oil)
- Butter (it is okay to have
this after the cleanse)
- Artificial sweeteners
aspartame (nutrasweet)
Microwaved food (a
convection oven is okay)
- Normal table salt (sodium
chloride). Use Celtic sea salt (Hand harvested, sun-dried sea salt which
is GREYISH in colour)
- Monosodium Glutamate
( MSG)
- Artificial Colourings (eg as
in Gatorade)
- Seafood that are garbage
eaters (eg oysters)
Restrict all cooked food to
fresh vegetables and grains. Some nuts and seeds can be eaten but always in
small amounts -- 1/3 of a cup or less at a time and not frequently.
The problem with cooked food is
that much of its nutritive value is destroyed in the heating process. All
enzymes are destroyed, about 83% of the vitamins, plus the heat changes many
of the protein structures into a form that is very difficult to assimilate.
When fruit and
vegetables juices are consumed, 92% of the nutrients are able to reach the
cellular level. This is because the pulp has been removed and very little
digestive energy is required.
3. Exercise- Start where you are and work up. Have at least two 15 minute
walks a day. Most people don’t get enough exercise, so if you have any
question whether this applies to you, you could probably do more. The
purpose here is to greatly increase circulation so that your body can flush
out toxins more easily.
It is essential for everyone to drink at least eight 8 glasses of water
every day. Dehydration is a major cause of constipation and bowel problems.
You don't have to be thirsty to be dehydrated. Water is needed to CLEAN OUT
If you smoke, have an extra glass of water for each cigarette. If you drink
coffee or tea, have an extra glass of water for each cup. caffeine is a major
cause of intestinal problems.
who have been involved with natural health for a long time are very familiar
with the term "Healing crisis". These are negative symptoms which may
manifest when the body is detoxifying. An example is the headache that many
people experience when they give up drinking tea or coffee.
Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. When toxins
that have been stored in your body a long time start to come out, different
symptoms may appear for a while, including headaches, bad skin and
Be gentle to yourself if this happens. Know that toxins are moving out of
your body. Drink extra water. If the same symptoms continue after a few
days, you could slow down on the herbs. This will slow down the rate of
While we use Dr Schulze's information, this site is not associated with him
in any way. We have not heard of any telephone number or website where Dr
Schulze can be contacted by two-way communication. We believe Dr Schulze may
be contacted through the Dr Schulze School of Natural Healing, PO Box 3628,
Santa Monica California 90408
We recommend that NO herbs be taken at ANY stage of pregnancy.
Because every person's situation is different, neither Stephanie Relfe,
Health Wealth & Happiness or any party mentioned in this article will be
held responsible for any negative results which come from reading or acting
upon the information in this article. Use at your own risk. Please note this web site is not much active at present and is more
informative and reflect opinions in natural treatments.
By law only Medi*al doctors are allowed to diagnose and do treatment. Also
registered pharmaceutical Medi*ines recommended by Medi*al doctors must be used.
Please do not contact us if you have not already tried orthodox way of
treatment. Do not discontinue your medication.
We may suggest special natural diet or complementary supplements that we
suggest you check with your Medi*al doctor before use.
