Mail order in South Africa, RSA Pretoria ,
JHB, Gauteng, Durban, Cape Town. |
As we age, the production of HGH (Human Growth
Hormone) diminishes.
HGH is produced by the pituitary gland located in the human brain. It is
produced in greatest amounts in childhood and adolescence. |
At the age
of 60, HGH levels decrease by 80% of previous levels in adolescence. HGH
depletion is marked by the usual signs of aging, which includes increased
body fat (especially around the waist), reduced vitality, decreased muscle
mass, and poor general health. |
In a study conducted in Sweden, Dr. Bengt-Ake Bengtsson, at the Salgrenska
Hospital in Goteberg found people with low levels of HGH had a shorter life
span than those of the same age and sex with higher levels of HGH. However,
after six months of HGH therapy, the aging process was reduced by 10 years.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can repair the physiology of the old cell,
and cause it to rejuvenate thus reversing aging. The Benefits of HRT
Improved health
Superior immune function
Stronger bones
Improved hearing and vision
Lower blood pressure
Improved skin elasticity
A better nights sleep
Enhanced sexual potency
Direction to our office
The ingredients
found in HGH Guardian MD have been subjected to numerous scientific tests,
which have clearly demonstrated the effectiveness and efficacy of this
potent anti-aging formula. The formulation consists of the following
Epimedii is a
rare and potent herb which stimulates the pituitary gland and
strengthens the kidneys and adrenals. It also stabilizes heart rhythm
and greatly raises energy. |
is a spleen
tonic which helps to strengthen the immune system. Barrenwort helps support the
blood in terms of blood factors such as hemoglobin. |
Condurongo Bark
is one of the most unique herbs in the Materia Medica. It is used to detoxify
the cell, "open" the cell membrane and direct the substance to the areas where
the body can maximize the effect. No other known substance has this effect. The
correct species is a must, as only one species of this herb has these medicinal
values. |
Ginkgo Biloba
has the remarkable ability to increase blood circulation and oxygen levels to
the brain tissue, pituitary gland and cerebral areas. Ginkgo also increases the
brain’s electrical activity and prevents platelet aggregation inside arterial
walls. |
Chinese Mugwort
is used to stabilize the endocrine system and the mesodermal tissue. It is also
currently being researched as an hGH stimulator. |
Spiny Jujubee
is used to
tonify the spleen, improve digestion, nourish the Qi (or energy of the spleen)
and to moderate the action of all ingredients. It is considered the "harmonizer"
of the formula. A certain portion of this herb is also used in the treatment of
diabetes if specially prepared. |
L-Arginine and L-Lysine
have been shown to demonstrate a synergist effect as it relates the hGH.
According to studies, researchers discovered that the combination
of the 2 are 20 times more effective as a hGH releaser together.
is a powerful
amino acid and lipotrophic (fat burner) which adds to the body reshaping
effect of this formula. It is also a proven hGH releaser when used in
proper combination with other ingredients.
is another
powerful amino acid which has been shown to be a hGH releaser.
University studies have shown that at a precise dose, Glutamine can
raise hGH levels more than 4 times.
This B-vitamin
has been shown to elevate hGH levels over 4 fold. It is in a safe, flush
free form which has been shown to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides
as well.
Mucopolysaccaride: This aloe vera derivative is
arguably the strongest natural immune stimulator available.
Homeopathic Pituitarium post. 10x
is used and shown to be effective based on the proven principle of "like
heals like." There is complete safety and purity in Pituitarium post.
30x for there is no glandulars or animal products or molecules within
the formula. Only the healing and rebuilding properties remain. This
ingredients is specially prepared in a laboratory in Philadelphia.
Chrysin is a naturally occurring isoflavone chemically
extracted from the plant Passiflora coerulea (Passion Flower). Chrysin
has been shown to be Beneficial |
in reducing fat while maintaining lean body muscle. Chrysin has been
popularized by European Olympic athletes attempting to build drug- free
muscles. Chrysin may have other Beneficial uses as well. In a recent
article published by HK Wang et al entitled "Recent advances in the
discovery and development of flavonoids and their analogues as antitumor
and anti-HIV " published in Adv Exp Med Biol, 439:191-245, 1998,
the |
researchers found that Chrysin along with other flavonoids " provide a
continuing source of potential antitumor and anti-HIV ." |
Tribulus Terrestris, is a non-hormonal supplement derived
from the herb, Tribulus terrestris commonly known as the puncture vine.
Tribulus is primarily found in parts of Eastern Europe, India and Africa,
where it has been used for hundreds of years as a Medi*al herb for the
treatment of muscle strength, infertility, impotence, liver, kidney, and
heart problems. In South Africa it has been used as a remedy for
inflammation and arthritis. In an article written by Dr. Robert Fraser,
"Tribulus Terrestris…a remarkable herb…" published in Insight, March
1998, page 8, a cogent argument is made for its use as a safe non-hormonal
treatment for men and women.
The Chemical
Pharmaceutical Institute in Sofia Bulgaria has led the research in Tribulus.
They discovered that Tribulus raises testosterone production in men through
the increased secretion of Leulinizing Hormone from the pituitary gland, and
in women, Follicle Stimulating Hormone secretion and estrodial were
increased. Tribulus was also found to be superb for people with high
cholesterol, as it stimulates the bile flow and breakdown of fats in the
liver thus contributing to more regular bowel patterns and elimination of
toxins from the liver. Studies have concluded that there are no known side
effects from this herb when used as a dietary supplement.
A considerable body of knowledge has been collected regarding the subject of
HGH. The formulation found in the HGH
Guardian utilizes the latest
research that the scientific community offers to provide the enormous
Benefits of health and longevity.
HGH is one of many endocrine hormones, like estrogen, progesterone,
testosterone, Melatonin and DHEA, that all decline in production with age.
While many of these hormones can be replaced to deter some of the effects of
aging, HGH reaches far beyond the scope of any of these hormones. Not only
does it prevent biological aging, but it acts to significantly reverse a
broad range of the signs and symptoms associated with the aging process. By
ages 70 to 80, virtually everyone is deficient in growth hormone, resulting
in SDS, or Somatrotropin (growth hormone) Deficiency Syndrome.
Gama-Aminobutyric, L-Ornithi, L-Arginine, L-Lysine, L-Glutamine, L-Tyrosine,
Herba Epimedii, Barrenwort, Ginkgo Biloba, Spiny Jujubee, Condurongo Bark,
Tribulus Terrestris, Chinese Mugwort, Artemisa vulgaris, Aloe Vera, Niacin,
Chrysin, Pituitarium 30x, Placenta 7ch, Royal jelly, 5% Alcohol V/V,
purified water, Methyl ParaBen 0.15% m/v Propyl ParaBen 0.04% m/v
HGH Guardian
50 ml Spray: Price: R 195
200 ml Bottle: Price: R 495
bottles of 200ml R 895
Click on

International prices:
Free liver
and colon flush or Slim Magic if your total order is more than
R 300
Directions for Use:
Place 1 dropper full under the tongue and hold for 30-60 seconds and then
Direction to our office
Detoxification Program
Complete detoxification,
Please note this web site is not much active at present and is more
informative and reflect opinions in natural treatments.
By law only Medi*al doctors are allowed to diagnose and do treatment. Also
registered pharmaceutical Medi*ines recommended by Medi*al doctors must be used.
Please do not contact us if you have not already tried orthodox way of
treatment. Do not discontinue your medication.
We may suggest special natural diet or complementary supplements that we
suggest you check with your Medi*al doctor before use.
