In search of a natural cure without using drugs. Master Formula ( South Africa, RSA, JHB, Pretoria (Tshwane), Cape town, Botswana, Mozambique, Congo, Namibia) Weapons of mass healing is right Diet. Many scientists, doctors and researchers and African Traditional Healers contend that AIDS is not a new disease, having been around much longer than people believe. Dr. Robert Willner—author of Deadly Deception: He claims that nearly 500 hundred top scientists of the world have challenged the hypothesis of Robert Gallo—who patented the HIV test the day after the HIV virus was discovered. HIV is a virus, Aids is a condition Sometimes they occur together and some times separately. ( Dr Hulda R Clark) Alternative, Natural treatment: For people who are
prepare to
change their life style and use God created natural supplements, foods and
diet to help the body to defend and heal itself. Our body defense system seems
to be more advanced than so called HIV virus if it does not be malnourished,
full of parasites and poisoned
Please note this subject
is a controversial subject and this article express personal opinion of it's writer and do not consider it as a registered Medi*ine ( To register these natural supplements as Medi*ine cost over 500 million dollars). |
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Miracle natural and Traditional supplements
three years we are offering Natural & Traditional Healing for people suffering
from Symptoms like Skin rashes, swollen gland, diarrhoea start to disappear and health should improve day by day. We use combination of Traditional African, Western and Chinese herbs plus minerals together with a strict diet. |
We recommend between one to three courses depending how advance is the case.
The chance of recovery with our program decreases as Aids progress though some terminally ill Aids patients conditions improved that they could go back to work after first course. But normally they need hospitalization and Medi*al care.
If the patient does not follow our strict recommended diet (included in the package) the symptoms may returns.
A second course is recommended after one month break.
Each course should reverse the symptoms from six months to one year back. Please note the acceptable test result is the viral load and the CD4 counts. the Positive and Negative result is not accurate enough.
We believe malnutrition plays an important part in HIV/Aids.
We supply over 50 different ingredients in our Immune formula plus some traditional herbal Medi*ines. One of herbs used is Hypoxias or better known as African potato, it increases the immune system and also Sutherlandia also known as "Cancer bush" but these two herbs alone are not able to overcome the HIV virus.
Immune Formula: 5ml two time per day. It helps to stop diarrhoea, increases weight and supply the body nutrition that are lost.
Master Formula is able to successfully treat so many ailments and conditions, because it provides the necessary natural nutrients required to boost the body's immune system, which enables the body to heal itself naturally.
We are not offering you only a few supplement, we offer you diet and recommendations that we discover during five years natural alternative treatments of aids patients.
If the HIV+ combines with the following cases success rate drops:
Cancer developed, brain damaged, advanced TB, alcohol and drug addicted and people who do not afford financially to have variety of healthy natural food.
In some cases that we have met the patient in our office we offer refund is the next test result does not improve drastically.
Free Special three page diet.
product is available trough mail order in South Africa ( RSA),
neighbouring countries and internationally.
Full package including the diet instruction Full size: 2 of one litre bottles plus 2 Immune guardian powder- Liver and colon flush, Diet and magnetic therapy. Price R 495 for South African customers per set including shipping. Botswana, Lesotho, Zambia, Mozambique, Swaziland should add R100 extra shipping charges. USA, Europe, Asia price US$ 80 incl air postage and insurance. Please note to do the clinical test on these supplement as a pharmaceutical Medi*ine cost over 250 million US Dollar for natural products that there is not any patent right. Before such a test by law we are not claiming any health Benefit or curing any diseases. |
Click on
Adding Zapper cost R 595 extra ( US$ 65). |
We hope the patients have the will and afford financially to have a variety of food since supplements and Medi*ine can not replace real good food. Our products do not contain any Antibiotic, Anti retro viral, Anti Histamines or similar pharmaceutical Medi*ine. We are prepared to refund any customer that used this product during the last five years if are not happy from the result. Some Q and A. Why this product is not made in USA and Europe. Aren't these countries more advanced in research? Pharmaceutical companies are not interested in natural products that can not be patented. They are looking for chemicals that can be patented and people have to use them all the times and not one or two times We used many guide lines of western pioneers in the field of alternative natural treatments in this package plus some of our unique finding that we discover as a result of close contact with traditional Medi*ines that are used by thousands of sufferers in Southern Africa. PLEASE NOTE BY LAW THERE IS NO CURE FOR HIV / AIDS. ANYBODY DOES SUCH A CLAIM CAN BE PROSECUTED. The orthodox way of treatment is prescribing Anti retroviral by a Medi*al doctor and this is not orthodox way of treatment. Refund policy: If your CD count and viral load result does not improve drastically and you fax us the result before and after taking the supplement we shall refund your payment excl postage cost. Please note this web site is not much active at present and is more informative and reflect opinions in natural treatments. By law only Medi*al doctors are allowed to diagnose and do treatment. Also registered pharmaceutical Medi*ines recommended by Medi*al doctors must be used. Please do not contact us if you have not already tried orthodox way of treatment. Do not discontinue your medication. We may suggest special natural diet or complementary supplements that we suggest you check with your Medi*al doctor before use. |