Bioplasm 18D NSL machine complete

Meta hunter machine complete R22,000.
Tel no. 011-312 3393
How Does Bio resonance Biofeedback Work?
Each organ, tissue, and cell in our body has a distinct frequency
which is made possible by the rotation of atoms in the cells. When
instructions are sent to the body from the brain they use the spinal
cord to send those instructions using nerves and other molecular
aids. As long as the connection between the brain and the spine is
intact, biofeedback systems can use the brain to listen in and pick
up the information. Bio-electrical activity of brain neurons is
amplified so signals which are practically undetectable by
statistical fluctuations, can not only be detected but also isolated
and decoded thanks to biofeedback systems.
Good biofeedback systems, like META
HUNTER, can trace the changes in pathology and infections
by observing the characteristics of these wavelengths and the
changes in the tissues and cells of the body. This utilization of
frequency analysis is based on this incredible discovery in natural
science which allows us to analyze the magnetic vortex of any
biological object. Biofeedback was designed to not only help lay
people with pain but to enable people to identify the specific
biological problem in order to address it with natural Biofeedback
Biofeedback scanning of organs and tissues is not all that modern
biofeedback systems are designed to do. That same theory which was
proven by natural scientists, applies to therapy. Biofeedback
therapy is administered using brain neurons again. Frequencies which
were detected by the system can be Reversed and sent back to balance
out the issues and bring them back to health. INCREDIBLE! This is
how biofeedback works and its available to everyone! Everyone who is
open-minded enough to realize that additional information is good
and as the vast subject of science continues to improve.
It is easy to turn away from something that sounds odd, too good to
be true or simply scary! Unfortunately, many people do not give
biofeedback a chance until they have tried everything else and spent
all their money on various Medi*al experiments and drugs. Still, it
is not too late even for them. Biofeedback is patient, effective and
most importantly, dedicated to helping people take back the control
of their health and bodies. Devices made possible through natural
science do not affect the body negatively, there are enough
modalities in the word which do this already. Biofeedback systems
are scarce because they mean big problems for Medi*al business but a
lifetime of preventative jewels to its users and practitioners.
The Meta Hunter is a kind of Pathomorphology, Microbiology,
Biochemistry, Immunology, Phamacology, Organ preparation,
Nutraceuticals and analysis system of clinical Medi*al
database. Bio-resonance or NLS-diagnostics aim at obtaining
information about the state of your health using computer and
special programs. The data about an objective state of body tissues,
cells, chromosomes and even hormones are being transmitted in
real-tie and instantly decoded in the form of specific diagnoses and
Simply saying, it is an advanced Non-Invasive Diagnostic Device for
physical examination & analysis system, using the light wave
resonance to scan and detect the functional status of the Human body
or to trace the gradually formed abnormal conditions in the tissue,
cell, chromosome, DNA helix, molecule or entire organ, then provides
The main feature of Meta Hunter software is function called
'Three-dimensional Scanning' which allows to localize
automatically a nidus where tumor appeared, heritable diseases,
etc. and to find the reason of appearance at genome level,
passing one after another histological cuts, cytological cuts,
chromosome sets, separate chromosomes, and go deeper to
fragments of DNA helix.
Alternative diagnostics
Evaluation of BAP at hands and feet
Auriculo diagnostics
Chakras Test
Bio resonance Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback technology can take care of pain not only without
harm to our organs or body tissues but also improving them while
getting rid of pain! The only negative about biofeedback
technology is that it is so far removed from modern Medi*ine,
most people do not know of its existence and therefore, its
benefits. How wonderful would it be to have a biofeedback system
in your home where you could help your children, parents,
friends, and neighbors with an injury, tooth pain, digestion,
fertility and so many other common problems that people deal
with on a daily basis. It is essential to so many of us and if
not in this very moment then definitely some day in the future
as we make our way through life.
Biofeedback Therapy utilizes the same methods as Biofeedback
body scanning in that it uses the brain and central nervous
system to apply the therapeutic frequencies to the person VIA
Bio-resonance headset. Biophilia consists
of a database which houses all frequencies of pathogens,
microorganisms, and healthy tissue as well. When we give
biofeedback therapy, we apply the appropriate frequencies to the
organ and tissues for recover or destructive frequencies to the
harmful microorganisms occupying vital organs. Besides for
specific therapy for organs, pain or micro organisms; there are
frequencies of therapeutic plants, stones and light frequencies
which provide options for therapy and method.
Pain is often misunderstood and in many cases symptoms are
completely unrelated to the area the pain is coming from. Most
doctors rely on us, the patient, to tell them what is wrong and
how long its been going on and where we think the problem is
originating. The symptoms of pain we articulate are often used
to place a diagnosis. Pain is addressed very differently with
biofeedback technology, it is used as a clue and taken very
seriously as a symptom but it also reminds us of the fact that
everything about our body is connected. With therapy to address
pain we must also listen and acknowledge that pain is not only
our enemy and we must get rid of it as soon as possible, but
that pain is a savior in its own way which we must respect.
Meta Hunter determines not only the type of disorder but also
identifies the severity of the disorders. After the measurement,
the Meta Hunter can treat the client with the function META
Therapy, Phytotherapy, Stone Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy and
Iris Therapy.
The treatment is carried out on eight levels: the first on the
molecule, and then the ultra structure, DNA helix, chromosome,
nucleus, cell, tissue, up to the entire organ, making it the
very effective and successful. The user can observe the
effectiveness directly on the screen. A comparative analysis
shows the changes that take place before and after treatment.
90+ Testing of spectral etalons
Chakras : S7 SAHARARA
Chakras : S6 AJNA
Chakras : S5 VISUDDHA
Chakras : S4 ANAHATA
Chakras : S3 MANIPURA
Chakras : S1 MULADHARA
Etc.... |