Are You Clear of Parasites?   South Africa, RSA, Pretoria, Durban, Cape town,

By Dr. Ross Anderson            Page 2            Page 1

bed wetting.



Parasites Secrete Toxins

The third thing that parasites do is secrete. All organisms secrete something, whether it be lubricants, waste materials, protective liquids for warding off viruses, bacteria and other harmful organisms, or secretions to help attract food. No matter what the secretion is - the secretion can be a toxin of the host organism. Simply put, the secretions from parasites in our bodies are poisons and toxins that our bodies are forced to deal with by increasing the process of detoxification.

Anyone who has experienced food poisoning or dysentery will tell you how debilitating these toxins can be. Once on vacation in Mexico, I lost 12 pounds in 12 hours. I could not walk and was totally delirious. Within two days of the parasite leaving my body, I was back to my regular weight and feeling perfectly normal. This of course, is an extreme case of a very high level of toxins from an acute parasitic infection.

On the other end, a chronic parasitic infection secreting low levels of toxins can create an extremely stressed immune system which may allow varied health challenges to develop. When the immune system is stressed over a long period of time it, of course, becomes weak.

When the immune system becomes weakened, our bodies become susceptible to infections of other kinds. This can be an extremely dangerous situation in this day and age because we are exposed to more viruses than ever before. Also, they are changing and adapting at a very fast rate as are the bacteria, many of which are now resistant to antibiotics and other artificial measures that are used to combat them.

A healthy immune system is one of the primary sources of energy in the human body. People with a weakened immune system tend to feel tired all the time - some people refer to this as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If this sounds like you or someone you know, you may want to seriously consider the possibility of a depleted immune system caused by chronic parasitic infection.

Parasites Create Toxic Overload

If parasites secrete toxins into our bodies that the bodies have to neutralize, and we happen to be one of those people who drinks alcohol, smokes cigarettes, eats junk food and breathes polluted air, the extra stress and strain on the body's cleansing system can be enough to push the body into what we call toxic overload.

 Toxic overload occurs when the four cleansing systems of the body have been pushed too far by an overload of toxins in the body. Parasite toxins in the body are one more thing a toxic body does not need.

There are four cleansing systems of the body: the lungs, kidneys, skin and bowel. With toxic bowel syndrome, the excess of toxins absorbed from a clogged bowel goes to the liver. The liver is then overburdened, eventually unable to cope with the toxic load and the toxins start to spill into the bloodstream. Once this happens, the kidneys, lungs and skin have to take over the job of cleansing and they too become challenged in their ability to remain healthy. So you see, parasites can be one of the most damaging health factors threatening the world today.

 Many Types of Worms: Many Types Of Damage

 The following are some descriptions of just a few worms that can get into your body and cause disease and toxicity.

"The Essentials of Medi*al Parasitology" by Thomas J. Brooks, says, "The tapeworms are among the oldest parasites of the human race. Indeed, some species have become so well adapted to live in the human intestine that the host (man) may be entirely asymptomatic." This means you may have a tapeworm and not appear to have any symptoms.

The fish tapeworm is the largest of the human tapeworms, reaching the length of 33 feet or more. There can be 3,000 to 4,000 segments in one worm. It can produce more than 1,000,000 eggs a day. This type of infestation can case anemia because of interference with vitamin B12, says Dr. Brooks in his book. Also, the weight challenges of some people can be directly attributed to tapeworms.

This is especially true of weight loss programs that don't work. The person may be hosting a tapeworm which is eating all the food and making the person constantly hungry. Tapeworms can also cause water retention.

Besides tapeworms from beef, pork and fish, there is also a type of dog tapeworm you can get when dogs lick your face or hands.

 Pinworms are very infectious and can cause a lot of itchiness in the anal area. "The worms deposit their eggs mostly at night, contaminating pajamas and bed linen," writes Dr. Brook. "The eggs are readily transported through the air, and it is not uncommon to find them in every room of the house... complications are much more common in women than in men." Pinworms can also be found in the vulva, uterus and fallopian tubes because the female worm loses her way while trying to return to the anus after depositing her eggs.

Another type of roundworm that can be present in humans is whipworms. These insidious creatures actually inject a digestive fluid which converts the colon tissue into liquid which the worms suck up. Dr. Norman Stoll, a former worm expert at the Rockefeller Institute for Medi*al Research, estimated that the roundworm infects about 644 million people in the world. This was in the 1940's and there are no doubt a lot more people infected with roundworm now! Dr. Brooks believes nutritional deficiencies are seen in heavy roundworm infections.

Hookworms bite and suck on the intestinal wall, which can cause bleeding and necrosis (death of the tissue). In severe infections, iron deficiency becomes a therapeutic problem because of all the iron that is lost to the hookworm. Dr. Brooks says that, "hemoglobin levels as low as 15% of normal have been seen in patients with severe, long-standing hookworm disease. One species of hookworm in America is called "Necator Americanus," which means, "American Murderer."

How Do We Get Parasites?

So how do we get parasites? Well, let's have a careful look at this. If 85% to 90% of the adult population have parasites, and the parasites' goal in life is to live and reproduce, then the parasite needs to find a new place to live when its host perhaps isn't going to be around anymore. As I mentioned earlier, parasites are not stupid, and their sole goal in life is to live and reproduce at our expense.

Here is a list of ways parasites can get into your body: shaking hands, sharing someone else's soda can, kissing (even on the cheek), intimate sexual contact, and believe it or not, you can get parasites by inhaling dust which contains the dried form of these organisms. You can get parasites from the water of any of thousands of lakes, rivers, streams and creeks in North America.

Giardia lambia, which causes Giardia, is very common, for example. You can get parasites from eating meat. Do you really think government inspectors are able to inspect every animal that goes to the slaughterhouse? Another source of parasites is salads. Dr. Brooks estimates that the overall incidence of E. Histolytica in the United States is between 3.9% and 10%.

The distressing thing about parasites is that if you get rid of them, you can easily be reinfected. Married couples tend to have them together, and if one person is treated for the parasitic infection, they are often reinfected by their spouse. It is extremely important that both be treated at the same time, and in many cases, the children should be treated along with their parents.

A patient once said to me, "If parasites are so easy to catch, then why doesn't everyone have them?" The funny thing is, almost everybody does.

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

If you find all this information about parasites, how difficult they are to detect and eliminate, cause for despair, take heart - there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have discovered over the last 20 months, how to effectively cleanse the digestive system and rebuild the body with two wonderful products: Harmony and Experience.

But I was faced with a dilemma of dealing with the potentially devastating worldwide parasite challenge of parasites every day in my clinic. After practicing for over 20 years, I have been searching for a safe, simple economical solution.

With the knowledge that over 1,000 types of parasites exist, I wanted to find a product which would kill the parasitical infection in three stages: infant, intermediary and adult. After using over 100 different parasite cleansing programs, I was still in search of a solution that could actually work on all kinds of parasites, not just 5 or 6 types. Most of these programs were either too expensive or too harsh on the body, with very minimal results in eliminating parasites.

The results, in my personal life and with patients in my clinic, have been incredible. Mary is my patient who has suffered with chronic fatigue for years. After 2 years of treatment she has significantly improved, but was still suffering from numerous food allergies, chemical sensitivities and periodic bouts of severe fatigue lasting for 2 days.

My recommendation is that everyone should use the Angle's Choice day parasite cleanse. I often hear the common statement, "I am healthy, I don't have parasites". One lady claimed this and I replied, "Everyone has some form of parasites which they may not be aware of. Therefore, if you want to reach the next level of vibrant health, get rid of the parasites". I challenged her and she decided to try the Clear product.

After only two days on the product, she noticed a poking sensation in her lower abdomen, and felt a wiggling sensation in one of her legs. The next day she passed an 8 inch worm and since then, she has passed many different sizes and types of parasites. Remember, most parasites are not noticeable to the human eye. To overcome this major challenge in our society today it is vital that parasites be openly discussed. Given what I know now about Clear, I am confident that it works and is a safe solution.

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By law only Medi*al doctors are allowed to diagnose and do treatment. Also registered pharmaceutical Medi*ines recommended by Medi*al doctors must be used. Please do not contact us if you have not already tried orthodox way of treatment. Do not discontinue your medication.

We may suggest special natural diet or complementary supplements that we suggest you check with your Medi*al doctor before use.